small bites

Bánh Xèo (Vietnamese Crepe/Dosa)

This recipe was made in partnership with:

Bánh Xèo
Author Chef Tu David Phu
Prep time
30 Min
Cook time
6 Min
Total time
36 Min

Bánh Xèo

For me, bánh xèo isn't just a dish; it's a vivid memory of family gatherings, laughter, and the delicious aroma of cooking that filled the air. These Vietnamese crepes remind me of the times spent with my aunts, who mastered the art of creating these golden, crispy delights filled with the perfect blend of shrimp and pork belly. I've always believed that the secret to exceptional bánh xèo lies not in high heat, but in precision. Let me share with you how I make this beloved dish, a recipe that's perfect for your next holiday gathering, especially when using an induction wok for that exact heat control.



Mung Beans:
  1. Begin by soaking the mung beans in warm water for about 30 minutes to soften them.
  1. In a mixing bowl, whisk together the all-purpose flour, rice flour, a pinch of turmeric, a pinch of salt, a splash of light beer, and a splash of coconut milk to create a batter with a consistency slightly runnier than that of pancake batter.
Cooke the Bánh Xèo
  1. Heat the wok (preferably on an induction stovetop for precise temperature control) and begin by frying the onion and garlic until fragrant.
  2. Add the shrimp and thinly sliced pork belly, frying until they start to caramelize.
  3. Stir in the pre-soaked mung beans and cook for a few more minutes.
  4. Pour the crepe batter over the crispy filling in the hot pan, ensuring it spreads evenly.
  5. Add mung bean sprouts on top of the batter before the crepe sets.
  6. Cook until the edges of the crepe begin to brown and lift away from the pan, indicating it's ready to be folded and removed.
  1. Serve the bánh xèo hot, garnished with fresh herbs and accompanied by Nuoc Cham sauce for dipping.
banh xeo, Bánh Xèo, rice crepe, crispy crepe, dosa, vietnamese taco,
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Vietnamese Style Ceviche | Cá Tái Chanh

This recipe was made in partnership with

Four Star Seafood been providing seafood and specialty products to some of the best restaurants in San Francisco since 2015. The founders started our careers in the kitchen, as chefs. After traveling to coastal towns around the world, they became frustrated to return home to seafood that was less sweet and less pristine, despite our location right on the Pacific Coast. They wanted to do things a little differently and started Four Star Seafood.

Vietnamese Style Ceviche | Cá Tái Chanh
Yield 4
Author Chef Tu David Phu
Prep time
20 Min
Inactive time
20 Min
Total time
40 Min

Vietnamese Style Ceviche | Cá Tái Chanh

My parents were pescatarians up until the age of 19 or 20; until they immigrated to the United States. Before that, our family, both maternal and paternal, thrived in a coastal community for generations as free divers. Specifically on Phu Quoc, a South Vietnamese Island. Naturally, fish is often the prize ingredient of heritage dishes in our region; Cá Tái Chanh is one of those staple dishes. If you like ceviche or poke, you'll love this recipe.




Marinte The Fish
  1. Place a medium-sized stainless steel bowl in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to keep cold.
  2. In the chilled stainless steel bowl, add 1 lb. of the diced Wild Aomori Yellowtail, 1 tsp. of Lemon Juice, 1 tsp. of Rice Vinegar, 1 tsp. of Minced Ginger, 1 tbsp. of Son Fish Sauce, 1/4 tsp. of Organic Sugar, 1/4 cup of Sliced Scallions, 1 tsp. of Small Diced Serrano, and a pinch of Kosher Salt.
  3. Mix gently to incorporate all the ingredients.
  4. Cover and refrigerate for about 20 minutes.
  5. Take the mixture out of the refrigerator, remove the cover and add 1/8 tsp. of Sesame Oil, and 1 tbsp. of Sesame Seeds.
  6. Mix gently to incorporate all the ingredients.
  1. Just before serving, stir in the garnishes [mint, dill, cilantro, chive] gently.
  2. For serving, set out the Cá Tái Chanh mixture onto a large plate off-center.
  3. Place the Grilled Rice Paper adjacent to the Cá Tái Chanh.
  4. Serve and eat immediately.


Grilled Rice Paper

  1. Place a piece of dried rice paper over an open flame, dragging it back and forth (1-2 minutes) until the rice paper puffs into a chip.
  2. Repeat on the other side.
tartare, tartar, fish, ceviche, sushi, rice paper, seafood,
Appetizer, Salad
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Bánh Tôm (Prawn Fritter)

This recipe was made in partnership with:

Seisuke works with smiths throughout Japan to craft high quality blades at an affordable price. The wide variety of our designs are unique and steeped with tradition making them perfect for both home and professional use.

Nakiri is a Japanese term, meaning “greens cutter.” In the olden days of Japan, this knife was commonly found in household kitchens. To this day, it’s still held in high regard, especially by professionals.

The most striking feature of the nakiri is its rectangular profile, which of course has a function. The flat edge is suitable for repetitive chopping motions that will make full, parallel contact with the cutting board, providing a clean and consistent cutting rhythm as you work through those greens.

If your goal is to cut vegetables specifically, a nakiri is the more effective option. For the same reason you might buy running shoes if you plan on doing a lot of running, buying the right knife for the right cutting goal in mind will help you work more effectively.

Bánh Tôm (Prawn Fritter)
Yield 4
Author Chef Tu David Phu
Prep time
30 Min
Cook time
1 Hour
Inactive time
15 Min
Total time
1 H & 45 M

Bánh Tôm (Prawn Fritter)

Bánh Tôm (or Vietnamese Prawn Fritters) is an iconic, street food with roots in Ha Noi. As popular as these delicacies are, they are extremely difficult to make. However, the secret is in the ability to thinly cut the sweet potatoes to create a ‘basket’ to nestle the shrimp, when fried. And when done right the shrimp is butter (not dry); with a delightfully crunchy sweet potato basket; wrapped with lettuce and herbs. Then dunked in a spicy, saline, savory but sweet nước chấm.


Prawn Fritter
Nước Chấm (Dipping Sauce)


Prepare the Batter
  1. In a medium-sized mixing bowl, add 1 cup of water, and 2 large eggs.
  2. Whisk to incorporate the egg and the water.
  3. Sift the dry ingredeints
  4. Gradually add 1/3 of the dry ingredients to the liquid.
  5. Whisk until smooth.
  6. Then add the remaining 2/3 of the dry ingredients into the batter.
  7. Whisk until smooth
  8. Add the Sweet Potato (cut into match sticks) into the batter.
Prepare the Shrimp (Prawn)
  1. Defrost prawns (if frozen) in your refrigerator
  2. Rinse prawns in ice-cold water to maintain their freshness
  3. Devein prawns by inserting a toothpick (or skewer) between shell segments; on the back of the shrimp. Gently pull up on the toothpick and lift out the vein. If vein breaks, repeat in several places. **This recipe is traditionally made with whole prawns; head-on and shell-on.**
  4. Keep the cleaned prawn in the refrigerator. Or in a metal bowl, lined with iced water.
Fry the Prawn Fritter
  1. In a cast-iron pot (cast iron braiser) preheat 3 cups of cooking oil to 325 F.
  2. Use a [wide-mouth, flat, soup ladle] and a [large serving spoon] to help you assemble the Prawn Fritters.
  3. Put 2 tbsp. of battered sweet potato into a greased [wide-mouth, flat, soup ladle].
  4. Place a cleaned prawn on top of the battered sweet potato.
  5. Drizzle 1 tbsp. of batter on top of the prawn.
  6. Press the prawn down firmly into the battered sweet potato.
  7. Gently, dislodge the prawn (using a large serving spoon) and the battered sweet potato (it should resemble a basket) into the fryer.
  8. Fry for 5 minutes on each side.
  9. Remove the prawn fritter from the oil and place it on a roasting rack to cool.
  10. Gently season the prawn fritters with kosher salt.
Make the Nước Chấm (Dipping Sauce)
  1. Garnish with lettuce and Vietnamese herbs
  2. Dip with Nuoc Cham
shrimp, potato, sweet potato, yam, ha noi, street food, finger food, fish sauce, nuoc mam, fried
dinner, lunch
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Gỏi Cuốn Cá Ngừ [Tuna Summer Rolls]

Bloodline and the birth of a chef featuring Bay Area’s Tu David Phu | KQED Arts-04-21
Gỏi Cuốn [Tuna Summer Rolls]
Yield 4 (4 rolls)
Author Chef Tu David Phu
Prep time
30 Min
Cook time
15 Min
Total time
45 Min

Gỏi Cuốn [Tuna Summer Rolls]

Is it called a “Summer Roll” or a “Spring Roll”? The two terms are often conflated. But their origins (and meaning) are very different. Spring Rolls originated from China. Traditionally, they were made during the Lunar New Year, which is during the Chinese Spring season, hence the term “Spring Roll.” Furthermore, Spring Rolls are wrapped with a crisp, paper-thin wrapper. How does it differentiate from Egg Rolls? Egg Rolls are a result American-Chinese diaspora. [I.E., chop suey, sweet and sour pork, char siu, etc.] It’s a Spring Roll with the addition of egg into the (batter of dough) crisp, paper-thin wrapper. Summer Rolls are of Vietnamese origin. And to be eaten cold during the hot summer months in Vietnam. Specifically, Summer Rolls are wrapped with a thin rice paper wrapper.


Summer Roll
Nước Mắm Chấm Recipe [Seasoned Fish Sauce]
Pickled Carrots & Daikon


Cook Rice Noodles
  1. Put on a pot of boiling water
  2. Put noodles, stirring occasionally
  3. Cook noodles for 5-8 minutes. [Check doneness by eating noodle]
  4. Drain noodles in a colander
  5. Rinse to remove starch and cool down noodles
Make Nước Mắm Chấm
  1. Place all ingredients into a blender and pulse into smooth.
  2. Pour into a bowl
Make Pickled Carrots and Daikon
  1. Cut Carrots and Daikon into 1/8" thick x 2-3" long
  2. In a medium-size pot, add [1/4 tsp Kosher Salt, 1/2 tsp Sugar, 1 cup Rice Vinegar, 2 cups of water, 2 cloves of Garlic, 1 sliver of Ginger, 1/2 each Jalapeno, 1/2 each sliced Red Onion ]
  3. Bring the pot to a simmer
  4. Take the pot off the heat
  5. Add cut Carrots and Daikon
  6. Submerge Carrots and Daikon (under pickling liquid) with a small plate
  7. Allow Carrots and Daikon to steep for at least 15 minutes at room temperature.
  8. Store Carrots and Daikon in pickling liquid and use as needed.
  9. In this recipe, we will use all the Daikon and Carrots we prepared.
How To Use Rice Paper
  1. Find a large tray that has *(at least) a 2” raised lip. The tray needs to be large enough to fit rice paper in its cavity.
  2. Fill the tray with cold water
  3. Submerge rice paper in the cold water for ½ second.
  4. Rice paper will immediately hydrate. As time progresses, the rice paper will begin to soften. You want to catch a sweet spot where the rice paper is still firm, and not too soft. As the rice paper gets softer, at some point the rice paper will be delicate to work with.
Summer Roll Assembly
  1. Take moistened rice paper and add ¼ cup of cooked rice noodles 1.5” from the bottom of your rice paper.
  2. Add 2-3 leaves of butter lettuce on top of rice noodles
  3. Fold 1” of the (left and right) sides of rice paper inward.
  4. Take the summer roll (with the ingredients) and do a quarter roll so that the ingredients are wrapped on all sides with rice paper. However, make sure that there is 2-3 inches of rice paper left to roll.
  5. Add 1 tbsp. of pickled carrots and daikons(make sure they are drained)
  6. Add 1 sprig of Cilantro
  7. Add 2-3 pieces of sliced Ahi Tuna
  8. Finish rolling the summer roll with the rest of the 2-3” of rice paper
  9. Garnish with Ikura and bloomed Chia seeds
Family-Style (optional)
  1. Personally, I prefer to have all the garnishes laid out for my guests. And encourage guests to make their own summer rolls. Also, It makes for a beautiful display and presentation.
  2. Lay Out: Basket for leafy greens, lettuces, and herbs.
  3. Lay Out: Bowl for pickled carrots
  4. Lay Out: Bowl and spoon for Nước Mắm Chấm


Recipe Back story:

My father was a fishmonger [as seen in my movie Bloodline']. As a bonus, he would bring home fish, specifically tuna. Inspired by his Japanese-American colleague's (in the fish industry) appetite for tuna and sushi, he started to experiment with Tuna recipes at home. Purely through being resourceful, we ate Tuna the best way we knew how; we made Tuna Summer Rolls.

summer roll, spring roll, seafood, fish, tuna
dumplings & rolls
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Gỏi Cuốn Tôm [Shrimp Summer Rolls]

This recipe was made in partnership with

CCHP delivers high-quality, affordable healthcare through culturally competent and linguistically appropriate services to the community since 1986.

Gỏi Cuốn Tôm [Shrimp Summer Rolls]
Yield 4
Author Chef Tu David Phu

Gỏi Cuốn Tôm [Shrimp Summer Rolls]

Gỏi Cuốn is typically wrapped with thinly sliced meats that have been grilled or poached; rice noodles; lots of leafy greens, lettuces, and herbs. As painstaking as it may seem, it’s a matriarch standard (and expectation) to meticulously go through each and every green, lettuce, and herb; to use them only at their peak freshness. At the heart of Vietnamese cuisine are herbs. They add complexities and identity to Vietnamese dishes that set them apart from Thai, Cambodian, Burmese, and other Southeast Asian cuisines. Take away the garnishes from this dish, and not only is it not Gỏi Cuốn anymore, but it’s not Vietnamese.


Gỏi Cuốn (Summer Roll)
Poached Shrimp
Nước Tương Chấm (Peanut Sauce)
Vietnameses Pickles


Poach the Prawns
  1. Skewer the prawns with an 8" bamboo skewer to keep the prawn from curling when cooked.
  2. In a medium-sized pot, add 6cups of water, 2 lemons cut in half, 1 bruised lemongrass stalk, 2 tbsp. of kosher salt
  3. Add the prawns to the pot.
  4. Bring the pot to a simmer on low heat, stirring occasionally
  5. Once the pot gently simmers [175 F] take the pot off the heat
  6. Immediately take the prawns out of the pot into an ice water bath.
  7. Keep the prawns in the ice water bath for 15 minutes.
Butterfly the Poached Prawns
  1. Removed the skewer from the poached prawn
  2. Then gently peel to remove the prawn shell. (save the prawn shells for prawn stock)
  3. Use a pairing knife to make an incision on the underside of a prawn; down the middle; cutting to expose the vein that runs along the top-back of the prawn.
  4. Remove the vein
  5. Rinse the prawn
  6. Lay the butterflied prawn on a pan lined with paper towels; to remove excess moisture.
Cook the Bánh Hỏi (Fine Vermicelli Noodles)
  1. Line a wide, low pot with Bánh Hỏi.
  2. Fill the pot with boiling water.
  3. Allow the Bánh Hỏi to steep for 1 minute. Or until the noodle softens. *Bánh Hỏi will disintegrate if steeped for too long*
  4. Drain the Bánh Hỏi in a colander. And allow the Bánh Hỏi to drain for a few minutes.
  5. Place the Bánh Hỏi on a large plate, lined with paper towels to remove any excess moisture.
Make the Nước Tương Chấm (Peanut Sauce)
  1. In a small mixing bowl, whisk together 1/2 cup of Hoisin, 1 tbsp of Sriracha, 2 tbsp. Rice Vinegar, and 1/2 cup of Coconut Milk.
  2. Gradually whisk in 2 tbsp of Chunky Peanut Butter to eliminate chunks
  3. Garnish with Toasted Peanuts and Sriracha
Make the Vietnamese Pickles
  1. Cut the daikon and carrots into matchsticks
  2. Slice the yellow onions. Try to mirror your daikon and carrots matchsticks cuts/size.
  3. In a small pot bring [2 cups of rice vinegar, 2 cups of water, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tsp. kosher salt] to a simmer.
  4. Take the pot off the heat
  5. Add sliced onions, garlic, daikon, and carrots.
  6. Submerge and steep for 30 minutes.
  7. Store the pickles in their own pickling liquid, refrigerated.
How to Use Rice Paper
  1. Find a large tray that has *(at least) a 2” raised lip. The tray needs to be large enough to fit rice paper in its cavity. (or purchase a Rice Paper Dipper)
  2. Fill the tray with cold water
  3. Submerge rice paper in the cold water for ½ a second.
  4. The rice paper will immediately hydrate. As time progresses, the rice paper will begin to soften. You want to catch ( a sweet spot) where the rice paper is still firm, and not too soft. As the rice paper gets softer, at some point the rice paper will be delicate to work with.
Make The Gỏi Cuốn
  1. Take moistened rice paper and add one sheet of cooked bánh hỏi noodles 1.5” from the bottom of your rice paper.
  2. Rest 2 pieces of butterflied prawn on top of the bánh hỏi.
  3. Fold the 1” of the (left and right) sides of rice paper inward.
  4. Take the roll (with the ingredients) and do a quarter roll, so that the ingredients are wrapped on all sides with rice paper. However, make sure that there still is 2-3” of rice paper left to roll.
  5. Add 1-2 leaf of lettuce
  6. Add 1 sprig of Cilantro and Mint
  7. Add 1 tbsp. of the Vietnamese Pickles (optional)
  8. Finish rolling the Gỏi Cuốn with the rest of the 2-3” of rice paper.
  9. Press down firmly to seal.


Fun Fact:

Rice paper is the lowest GI of the rice varieties, alongside short-grain glutinous rice and rice noodle. As a result, this translates to lower carbs; lower glucose spike when consumed.

Cooking Tips:

  1. Bánh Hỏi is used in place of Bún because it's less sticky.
  2. Rice Paper Dippers are a game-changer.
  3. Rice paper and noodle quality make a huge difference.
  4. This is a great family recipe to include your kids in the cooking process. Specifically rolling the Gỏi Cuốn 
  5. Use cold water for rice paper, it will hydrate the rice paper slower for ease.

Can you make the Gỏi Cuốn ahead of time?

Yes. Individually wrap each roll to prevent it from drying out. They need to keep at ambient temperature. (max 2 hours). If you refrigerate them, the rice paper will cease and become chewy.

summer roll, spring roll egg roll, salad, appetizer, vietnamese, peanut sauce, pickles, cold, summer
snack, lunch, dinner
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Chả Giò Khoai Môn (Vietnamese Taro Fried Spring Roll)

Chả Giò Khoai Môn (Vietnamese Taro Fried Spring Roll)
Yield 4
Author Chef Tu David Phu
Prep time
45 Min
Cook time
45 Min
Inactive time
1 H & 30 M
Total time
3 Hour

Chả Giò Khoai Môn (Vietnamese Taro Fried Spring Roll)

I am sure you’ve noticed, that a lot of my recipes are reminiscent of Chinese-Cambodian cuisines. That’s because those recipes are reflective of those diasporas in my family. It adds complexity to my identity, which I’ve only learned to embrace most recently. In celebration of my beautiful (and complex) identity, I am offering you this Fried Taro Spring Roll recipe.


Taro Spring Roll Filling


Make the Filling
  1. Add the Ground Pork to a large bowl.
  2. Then add Oyster sauce, Fish Sauce, Sesame oil, Sugar, Kosher, Black Pepper, Ginger, Garlic, Mung Bean Noodles, Carrot, and Taro
  3. Mix all the ingredients for 5-10 minutes, until the mixture is fully incorporated.
  4. Cover the mixture with plastic wrap, and hold it in the refrigerator when not in use.
Fold the Spring Rolls
  1. Setup your Spring Roll station with a small bowl of cold water.
  2. Lay the Spring Roll Wrapper flat with one corner pointing away from you, so it looks like a diamond shape.
  3. Scoop 2-3 tbsp. of filling and 30% in from the bottom corner of the wrapper.
  4. Fold 1” of the (left and right) sides of the Spring Roll.
  5. Roll the bottom Spring Roll wrapper upward while tucking.
  6. Stop when there is 2-3” of Spring Roll wrapper left to roll.
  7. Wet your index with water and run your wet finger along the flat edges of the Spring Roll wrapper.
  8. Finish rolling and tucking the Spring Roll.
  9. Press firmly to seal the Spring Roll.
  10. Set the Spring Roll aside on a baking sheet.
  11. Repeat.
Fry the Spring Rolls
  1. In a medium-sized pot, add 2-3 cups of oil.
  2. If the oil level surpasses the halfway mark of the pot, grab a bigger pot.
  3. Preheat your frying oil to 325 degrees F.
  4. Gently lay a Spring Roll into the pot of hot oil. Add them one at a time.
  5. Fry each Spring Roll for 5 minutes on each side. Or until golden brown on all sides
  6. Place the Spring Rolls on a baking tray lined with paper towels to absorb residual grease.
  1. Garnish with lettuce and Vietnamese herbs
  2. Dip with Nuoc Cham


Egg Roll vs. Spring Roll 


Chả Giò  - Is it called an “Egg Roll” or a “Spring Roll”?


The two terms are often conflated. But their origins (and meaning) are very different. Spring Rolls originated from China. Traditionally, they were made during the Lunar New Year which is during the Chinese Spring season; hence the term “Spring Roll.” Furthermore, Spring Rolls are wrapped with a crisp, paper-thin wrapper. How does it differentiate from Egg Rolls? Egg Rolls are a result American-Chinese diaspora. [I.E., chop suey, sweet and sour pork, char siu, etc.] It’s a Spring Roll with the addition of egg into the (batter of dough) crisp, paper-thin wrapper. 

spring roll, egg roll, summer roll, taro, fried, fish sauce, dumpling, bun, noodles, wrap
dinner, lunch, appetizers
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Takeout-Style Egg Rolls

Char Siu Bao [Steamed BBQ Pork Buns]

We believe it’s time

for culinary creators get paid for their work.

Cá Tái Chanh - Vietnamese Style Ceviche [w/ SakanaBlue Wild Aomori Yellowtail]


Wild Aomori Yellowtail


The wild yellowtail amberjack population is considered to be high and stable with no overfishing currently occurring. 

Set net fishing methods have a low impact on the seafloor habitat and are not a concern for causing ecosystem impacts. This stationary gear type only makes contact with the seafloor with sandbags that are used to hold the nets in place. The set nets are used in a sandy/pebble habitat, which is not a major conservation concern.

Hoành Thánh Sa Tế [Spicy Vietnamese Dumplings] Recipe

HoanhThanh copy.jpg
Yield: 4
Author: Chef Tu David Phu
Hoanh Thanh [Vietnamese Dumplings]

Hoanh Thanh [Vietnamese Dumplings]

[Wontons] are a traditional Chinese dumpling found across regional Chinese Cuisine. [Hoành Thánh] is the Vietnamese version with Chinese origins. All are delicious but differ slightly in choice seasonings and meat. Hoành Thánh making should be an easy undertaking but it can be one that is fraught with difficulty. Great fillings are essential to successful dumpling-making. In this class, I will offer basics (tips and tricks) to help you cook like a pro at home. And if you nail it, you will be rewarded with the most glorious dumpling, stuffed with succulent, savory, and juicy meat filling.
Prep time: 45 MinCook time: 15 MinTotal time: 1 Hour


The Dumpling


Prepare the Dumpling Filling
  1. Mince garlic and ginger
  2. Small dice shrimp [¼” chunks]
  3. Add minced garlic and ginger to ground pork
  4. Add small diced shrimp to ground pork
  5. Mix ground pork, minced garlic, fresh shrimp, soy sauce, fish sauce, cornstarch, sesame oil, salt, sugar, and pepper, mix well and marinate for 15 minutes
Make the Dumplings
  1. Scoop filling into a wonton wrapper
  2. Spread a thin layer of water on one side of the wrapper and then seal
  3. Gently squeeze to create adhesion.
  4. Next, spread a thin layer of water on the inside left edge of the wrapper, then roll and fold the right edge upwards, gently squeeze to make the wrapper stick.
  5. After assembling the
  6. Hoành Thánh
  7. Place the
  8. Hoành Thánh
  9. on a tray (or plate). Make sure you allow for enough space between each
  10. Hoành Thánh so they don't stick to
  11. each other. Do not stack. Dust with flour or cornstarch to prevent sticking.
  12. How to boil the
  13. Hoành Thánh
  14. Prepare 1 pot of boiling water, add 1 tablespoon of cooking oil, put each wonton in the pot, then boil it. Once they float, they should be ready.
  15. Use a food colander to drain.
  16. Coat with 1 tsp of cooking oil to prevent sticking and clumping
  1. In a large soup bowl, first, place 12-15 dumplings
  2. Dress dumplings with Tiger Sate or Chrouk Metae, soy sauce, rice vinegar, lemon juice and sliced scallions
  3. Serve


Why I Love This Recipe

 This recipe is a great recipe to include your family, specifically kids. I’ve had so many fond warm memories of making Hoành Thánh with my family. It’s in those precious moments we were not only making Hoành Thánhs, but we were also making memories. If you love a little spice, I strongly recommend garnishing the dish with (my favorite condiment) Chrouk Meta. If you like your dish more mild, the Tiger Sa Te is great. Both items are available at

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